My Services




60 mins

All facials include steaming, exfoliating, extractions, mask, hot towel, & facial massage. Peels, derma planning, microneedling, red light therapy, radio frequency are ad ons that can be discussed during your skin analysis & treatment plan


Acne Facial

75 mins

Deep cleaning with extractions of blackheads and clogged pores, high frequency treatment to pimples & pustules, clay detox mask & a PH balancing toner is applied.


Permanent Makeup $450-$650 (brows, lips, liner)




Body Contouring

30-60 mins
$100 per area

Cavitation, radio frequency & vacuum therapy to tighten and tone skin, remove cellulite and shrink inches off the waist. also great for post-surgery of liposuction or tummy tucks.


Medical Tattoo

80 mins

Skin pigmentation such as 3D areola after mastectomy, scar camouflage after a tummy tuck, breast lift, face lift or any surgical scar or stretch marks. 3D belly button after a tummy tuck. Areola depigmentation after breast lift with nipple replacement, vitiligo, burns, hypopigmentation.


Hairline Scalp micropigmentation

60 mins

Thinning hairline, loss of density at the crown? Hairstroke pigmentation to cover thinning areas due to hair loss.